It’s Time For Change
Momentum Refresh is America’s first fully accessible, universally
designed, mobile restroom.
These individuals and families often don’t go to destinations that can’t accommodate their self-care needs. Providing reasonable accommodations enables individuals to re-engage and contribute to their communities.
People with disabilities, encompassing seniors and veterans among them, are disproportionately at risk when compelled to evacuate their residences & seek refuge in emergency shelters during disasters.

Refresh Features
A powered ceiling hoist is available to ensure the secure and safe transfer of a person from their wheelchair to the changing table and/or toilet. Note that slings are not provided.
Guests who want to use this amenity may bring any sling of their own. All slings with loop attachments are compatible with our hoist.
Height and width adjustable grab bars offer flexible support tailored to individual needs, while a powered height-adjustable sink ensures ease of access and convenience.
The peninsular toilet comes equipped with a bidet which provides a more inclusive option for personal hygiene while enhancing independence and cleanliness.
A motorized platform lift is installed beneath the van to assist people with mobility limitations in effortlessly accessing Refresh from ground level.
Each Refresh rental boasts a dedicated team of trained professionals who meticulously clean the space after each use. Our welcoming staff inform guests about amenities, are on hand to answer any questions and strive to ensure each guest leaves completely satisfied with their experience.
It makes it possible for me to be here and enjoy myself instead of worrying about whether or not I’ll be able to find a restroom that works for me.– Barb Metzger, Refresh Guest
It was a game changer– Jillian Nelson, Refresh Guest
It’s the most beautifully thought out space for accessibility that I have seen in years.– Jillian Nelson, Refresh Guest
This was a game changer for our family.– Amanda Adkins
This is by far the best thing at the Fair. Bravo!– Peggy Devitt Kay
“We need these everywhere!”– Kathy Barke
“This is much more than an adult changing station!”– Marie Wilbanks
“Momentum Refresh is doing amazing , much needed work.”– Emily Shanahan
“This is awesome!!! Thank you!!!”– Lindsay Nichols
“This is absolutely phenomenal! So needed and so thoroughly thoughtful. Bravo to all of you who made this possible!”– Solomon Song
“This was amazing & the staff helping with it were amazing also!”– Casey Arledge
I’m so glad that the Houston Rodeo was open to this! There is a whole world of people who will appreciate it being here!
-Refresh Guest, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo